The Council of Europe needs to act against SLAPPs


EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová presents the launch of the CASE website, where individuals or organisations that have been victims of a SLAPP can register their case.

Silencing, intimidating and harassing critical voices. This is what Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) do.

These are abusive lawsuits brought by powerful individuals and corporations as a means of silencing journalists, activists at a peaceful protest or whistleblowers who point out wrongdoing. In short, this is a devious tactic, but also a legal remedy, which is increasingly being used on the European continent and which has a devastating effect on public watchdogs. It hampers public debate.

This is why the Council of Europe needs to act urgently by issuing a recommendation so that the 47 member nations can put in place measures to discourage SLAPPs and dismiss them at an early stage.

More than 100 organisations in favour of the fundamental right to freedom of expression including Blueprint for Free Speech have joined this petition with a statement.

Blueprint made a detailed submission to the European Commission’s consultation regarding strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) in March 2021. It examines cases and laws across 10 countries and makes recommendations for action and change.


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